2020-04-22 9:41 AM
Off-the-shelf GNSS receiver modules like new Teseo-LIV3F makes sense for application developers without any advanced software requirements and without too much RF expertise. In this case people can achieve fast results and avoid hassle compared to a from-scratch design based on a Teseo chip.
I had a closer look at comparable GNSS modules, and it turns out that Teseo-LIV3F offers good price and comprehensive software.
If you are interested in further insights from my side, click here for a competitive overview of GNSS receiver modules currently available.
Take care,
2020-04-22 10:20 AM
The uBlox NEO-M9N ($14 small volume) offers data logging, geofencing and odometer, and solution rates up to 25 Hz. It has internal SAW filter, LTE block and LNA, so while it has a slightly larger foot print it doesn't need a BOM full of extra external parts. Has 3 RF down-converters, and has a spectrum analyzer feature. Also supports Differential GNSS via RTCM 3.3 messages.
The uBlox 8 series parts (2013) listed are ROM only parts, hence the low power, some of the parts using FLASH can do the logging, odometer, and geofencing as it has somewhere to store the data.
I work that forum too, if you need help with GPS/GNSS stuff..