2016-11-23 6:58 AM
how can I configure/deactivate the Nagle-Algorithm in SPWF01S? Thanks! MBU2016-11-23 7:13 AM
Hi Michael,
Nagle is enabled by default, and cannot be disabled.jerry2016-11-23 7:35 AM
Hi Jerry!
thanks for the quick response! Is there any chance to transmit the desired amount of bytes, flush the buffer?2016-11-23 8:15 AM
It's not possible to explicitly flush the TCP output buffer, but AT+S.SOCKW algorithm takes care of ''more data'' flag:
- if there aren't more data to transfer, flush the buffer;- if there are more data to transfer, wait and enqueue the buffer.Threshold to flush/enqueue is around 730 bytes (1 MSS).Example:- SOCKW(500 bytes): send(500) + flush- SOCKW(1000 bytes): send(730) + enqueue + send(270) + flushHope helps youjerry2016-11-23 9:16 AM
I use the socket server, when I'm connected, the wifi-module is in data-mode. I can not use the ''AT+S. SOCKW'' command...any other idea?
2016-11-23 9:32 AM
Same behavior:
- buffer full: ''more data''- buffer not full: flushbuffer size: 1024 - sizeof(escape_sequence)note: use flowcontrol to avoid data lossj