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How to program BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2 devices

ST Employee

How to program BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2 devices?

1. What is BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2

The BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2 are very low power Bluetooth low energy (BLE) single-mode system-on-chip (SoC), compliant with Bluetooth specification. They extend the features of BlueNRG network processor, enabling the usage of the embedded Cortex M0 for running the user application code. The BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2 have 160 and 256 kB of embedded Flash memory respectively.
This article lists all the tools to use to program the device Flash memory, further details can be found in the Design Tips DT0120 and in the Programming Manual PM0257 and in the Application Notes AN4818 e AN4820.

2. The available programming options

In order to program the device 3 options are available:

2.1 Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface

2.2 Pre-programmed bootloader (over UART transport layer)

The Application Note AN4872: The BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2 UART bootloader protocol explains how to configure and activate UART bootloader and details the needed commands.

2.3 Over-The-Air (OTA) device Firmware upgrade over the Bluetooth Low Energy radio link

Details on how to use the OTA upgrade are explained in the Application Notes AN4869: BlueNRG-1, BlueNRG-2 BLE OTA (over-the-air) firmware upgrade

Version history
Last update:
‎2021-05-12 03:57 AM
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