2016-11-02 1:32 PM
I'm trying to add a ''Client configuration descriptor'' to a characteristic using the following function call. However, it returns a status of 0x61 (invalid parameter) with no indication of which parameter is invalid.
This call DOES WORK for all valid descriptors except for ''CHAR_CLIENT_CONFIG_DESC_UUID'' and ''CHAR_SERVER_CONFIG_DESC_UUID''. Anybody have any idea which parameter my be wrong?--------------------------------------------------------------------uuid16 = CHAR_CLIENT_CONFIG_DESC_UUID;uint16_t descHandle;charactFormat charFormat;charFormat.format = FORMAT_UTF8S;charFormat.exp = 0;charFormat.unit = UNIT_UNITLESS;charFormat.name_space = 0;charFormat.desc = 0; status = aci_gatt_add_char_desc(service_handle, characteristic_handle, UUID_TYPE_16, uuid16, 7, 7, (void *)&charFormat, ATTR_PERMISSION_NONE, ATTR_ACCESS_READ_ONLY | ATTR_ACCESS_READ_WRITE, 01, 16, FALSE, &descHandle);2016-11-03 1:09 AM
Dear Customer,
it's not possible to add these descriptors manually. These descriptors are added automatically when a characteristic with Notify/Indication or Broadcast property are created.