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Not able to configure LIN as slave in other than Channel 0 of SPC560B-DIS board

Associate III

Dear Sir/Madam,

In my hardware I'm configuring LIN as channel 3 and 4. I want to configure those as LIN slave. I can able to generate code, but the target is not able to configure the channel as slave in

lin_lld_start(&LIN_SLAVE, &lin_config_lin_slave);

It is exiting the program on static void spc5_linflex_set_filter(LinDriver *ldp, uint32_t filter, LinFilter *filter_cfg) in,

ifer = (uint16_t)(ldp->linflexlp->IFER.R & 0xFFFFU);
ldp->linflexlp->IFER.R = (uint16_t) (ifer | (((uint32_t)1U << filter))); /* Enable #Filter */

Kindly help me on this.

I tried a work-around by not configuring any filters. In this attempt, I'm able to start the channel as slave, but I'm receiving none of the slave RX_INTERRUPT or TX_INTERRUPT, enabling me not to perform any activity in LIN Slave.

Please provide your advice.

Best Regards,


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