2020-01-09 2:45 AM
I am trying to use SPC5-FLASHER, in particular the version SPC5FlashProgrammer2.7.9, in order to manage the Flash using the BAM/BAF functionality, but I am having troubles. Firstly, the target board I am employing has the microcontroller SPC570S40E1. This one isn't present among the options in the "Configuration" tab, so I was wondering if the device SPC570S50, which belongs to the same family of mcus, is a good choice or not.
Futhermore, I programmed the target board with the project “SPC570Sxx_RLA Bootloader Application for Discovery�?, which I obtained in the following way:
- I created a new project File/New/ SPC5Studio import wizard/
- I selectedthe family SPC57
- I selected the evaluation board SPC570S50L1DISP
- I selected the Application “SPC570Sxx_RLA Bootloader Application for Discovery�?
At startup the boatloder should wait for host connection ( I selected via UART) for firmware downloading. . Is it ok to use this project in order to use SPC5-FLASHER?
Doing in this way, selecting this configuration:
and selecting as interface UCUART:HybridCom/4/UART, when I try to connect, I get:
How can I fix this problem?
2020-01-16 8:27 AM
Hello Francesco ,
I have submitting to log a support request on SPC5Flasher
Anyway , you can use PLS UDE in order to flash your board
Best regards
2020-01-17 4:56 AM
Thank you for your response.
I am already using PLS UDE to flash the board, for example I used it to flash “SPC570Sxx_RLA Bootloader Application for Discovery�? on the board.
This project has this description:
Sample bootloader application. At startup , it will wait 5s host connection via CAN (250k baud) for firmware downloading.
If no connection, will jump to 0x1000000 where code is supposed to be stored. if a connection is in place it will download
new code and store it at 0x1000000. After operation is completed please restart the board.
(I changed the configuration in order to use UART, not CAN, but the idea is the same).
That's the reason why I want to use SPC5FlashProgrammer2.7.9: I am trying to send the new code via UART.
Best regards