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I have downloaded the trace example from segger website However, it doesn't work out of box due to the board does not have trace pins connected to the debug header by default. Have anyone tried...
Hello,I bought a STM32H7B3I-DK from The new board had a demo project which using LCD to show different functions after opening box. However, when I downloaded the STM32H7 MCU package from, compiled the ClockandWeather...
Hello,I’m learning embedded development with a J-Trace Pro and an STM32L552E-EV board. After downloading the trace demo project from the segger wiki, I try to debug it with Segger Embedded Studio and Ozone.Here is the board information.
URL:  Buffer overflowDescription: Within the while loop as shown in line 536 of Lad...
URL:  Buffer overflowDescription: The variable component_index is used as an index ...
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