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How to speed up flashing process of the STM32MP1 eMMC ?


The flashing process of our STM32MP1 SoM is very slow, it took about 3 and 1/2 hours to flash to whole 8GB eMMC. We use the STM32_Programmer_CLI and have a usb connection which shows up in DFU mode. How can we speed up the flashing process? How could we debug this? Can we flash multiple devives in parallel?

How we use the STM32_Programmer_CLI ( v2.12) with Ubuntu 22.10:

sudo STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=USB1 -tm 30000 -w flashlayout_device-image/flashlayout_device.tsv

Our tsv file

#Opt	Id	Name	Type	IP	Offset	Binary
-	0x01	fsbl1-boot	Binary	none	0x0	arm-trusted-firmware/tf-a-phycore-stm32mp1-4-serialboot.stm32
-	0x03	ssbl-boot	Binary	none	0x0	u-boot/u-boot-phycore-stm32mp1-4-trusted.stm32
P	0x04	fsbl1	Binary	mmc1	boot1	arm-trusted-firmware/tf-a-phycore-stm32mp1-4-trusted.stm32
P	0x05	fsbl2	Binary	mmc1	boot2	arm-trusted-firmware/tf-a-phycore-stm32mp1-4-trusted.stm32
PD	0x06	ssbl	Binary	mmc1	0x00080000	u-boot/u-boot-phycore-stm32mp1-4-trusted.stm32
P	0x10	bootA	System	mmc1	0x00180000	st-image-bootfs-viza-distro-phycore-stm32mp1-4.ext4
P	0x11	bootB	System	mmc1	0x04180000	st-image-bootfs-viza-distro-phycore-stm32mp1-4.ext4
P	0x20	rootfsA	FileSystem	mmc1	0x08180000	device-image-phycore-stm32mp1-4.ext4
P	0x21	rootfsB	FileSystem	mmc1	0xA8180000	device-image-phycore-stm32mp1-4.ext4
P	0x30	paramfs	FileSystem	mmc1	0x148180000	paramfs.ext4
P	0x32	userfs	FileSystem	mmc1	0x158180000	datafs.ext4
P	0x31	logfs	FileSystem	mmc1	0x198180000	logfs.ext4

ST Employee

Hi @defqon1​ 

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ST Employee

Btw, usual CubeProgrammer speed is around 2-3MB/s average, so your 8GB should take less than one hour.

Maybe check that your are not connected using Full-Speed (Board or PC setup or cable or Hub issues).


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