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Bootloader via CAN SPC582B60E1

Rohit Rajapure
Associate II

Hello All, 

I am currently working on implementing a bootloader via CAN on the SPC582B60E1 microcontroller (i.e., Update the firmware file using CAN). To achieve this, I have been referring to the "Firmware Updater Component" PDF document.
and also referring to 'SPC582Bxx_RLA Bootloader Test Application for Discovery' sample application code.

Following the instructions outlined in the document, I have set up the communication mode, baud rate, and address for the program to be loaded. During the upload process, I have been adhering to the procedure of sending the password first, followed by the binary file size of the program, and then the bin file itself.

However, despite successfully sending the password and binary size frames, I am encountering an error when attempting to send the binary program. Specifically, the error indicator LED turns on after sending the binary size frame, and subsequently, the binary program fails to upload.

I am reaching out for guidance on the correct procedure to follow in such a scenario. Could you please provide assistance or point me in the right direction to troubleshoot and resolve this issue?

Thank you very much for your attention and support. I look forward to your guidance.

Please help us to test the firmware upgrade procedure as per document. Also let us know any device or Tools to be used to test the same. 


Thanks and Regards

Rohit R

Rohit Rajapure
Associate II

Hello Everyone, 

We are waiting for your response, 

Please let us know which tool to be used for testing bootloader application, where we can send password, bin file size and entire binary file. 

Kindly share the response on the same, we are stuck at testing. 


Thanks and Regards

Rohit R


Erwan YVIN
ST Employee

Hello ,

i recommend to check the Reference Manual

cf chapter 8.3.13

Please check your CAN Configuration

              Best Regards









Rohit Rajapure
Associate II

Hi Erwan, 

Thanks for the reference, 

Our concerning, how to send bin file I mean through which software tool we should use to send bin file entirely to the bootloader same code execution. 

Theoretically we understood these steps for initialization, i.e., sending password, bin file size and bin file. We need simulator test send actual bin file and test the code. 

Let me know which tool to be used for this testing!


Thanks and Regards

Rohit R

Hello Erwan, 

Still it is not solved, please share tools where can browse bin file and send to bootloader sample code to check the new firmware is being downloaded or not. 


I have few doubts, In Firmware updater document it is mentioned about the application code memory location and bootloader memory location. I can see both code start at same address 0xFC00000 location, where to change this address? 

And the work flow is 1st we need to load the bootloader code into respected location and then load the application code to respected location. And finally we need to send the "New bin file" over the old one via CAN? 

Or is it only that we need to program the custom hardware with bootloader and then using CAN transfer the application code?


Please share your thought and correct me if my understanding is wrong regarding the custom board program.


Thanks and Regards

Rohit R

Hi Erwan, 

We've been diligently following the steps outlined in the "Firmware Updater Component" document along with referencing the code from the "SPC58XX_Bootloader Test Application" to update the firmware via CAN using the bootloader method. Our internal CAN simulator has been instrumental in this process, allowing us to successfully complete the first three steps.

1. Sending the Password

2. Sending the Binary Size for Programming

3. Sending the Binary File

During these steps, we observed the LED patterns as described in the documentation, which confirmed our progress.

However, we've encountered an issue in the final step. After transferring the binary file, we see the Status_LED1 toggling, indicating that the code is being downloaded. However, shortly afterward, the Status_LED2 turns on, indicating an error, despite all files being transferred.

We've attempted to restart the application several times, but we consistently encounter the same error with Status_LED2 remaining on.

We're reaching out for your urgent assistance in resolving this issue. We're very close to completing the firmware update process and achieving our goal, and your guidance would be invaluable in overcoming this hurdle.

Could you please provide us with your suggestions or any corrections we may need to make to ensure successful completion?


Please share your feedback as early as possible to resolve this

Thanks and Regards

Rohit R