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Dear Sir, Hardware: STM32H7B3I-DKSoftware: STM32MX 6.13.0 / STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0 / TouchGFX 4.24.1/ STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.12.0 Start the project from TouchGFX, and then refer to STM32 Graphics Workshop (STM32H7BWorkshop2020_labs12345), to develop the det...
To:STTwo-32ST Employee Dear STTwo-32, Thank you very much for your reply for the last post (2024-12-02 10:42 PM): STM32H7B3I-DK__Build Errors__MX_I2C4_Init__have void (void) I have updated the software, and now using the STM32CubeMX V6.13.0, STM32Cub...
Dear Sir, Hardware: STM32H7B3I-DKSoftware: STM32MX 6.12.1 / STM32CubeIDE 1.16.1 / TouchGFX 4.24.1/ STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.11.0/2 Programming for using the STM32H7B3I-DK according to STM32 Graphics Workshop; started with STM32MX, did each step refer to th...
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