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  Hi, I have configured two PWM channels with complimentary channels on TIM1. I am mainly using the STM32CubeMX for configuration. The MX_TIM1_Init() function has been generated successfully which does use the HAL driver for configuring the PWM chann...
Hi, I am using STM32CubeIDE version 1.17.0. I have compiled a project fine with no errors showing on the build console and the elf file is generated successfully. However, STM32CubeIDE is still showing errors on my project which, of course, are false...
Hi, We have bought the NUCLEO-H533RE board and I tried to power it via E5V by connecting the Arduino Minima R4 board 5V power output into E5V and GND signals in pins 6 an 8 respectively. I instantly noticed that the LED LD3 is lit with green, but the...
Hi,   I have got a project configured successfully using STM32CubeMX code generation for STM32H5 MCU series. I noticed that the Src and Inc folders are dublicated under Core folder and under the project folder.   When I make any changes in my drivers...
Hi,I am using STM32CubeMX 6.12.1 to generate a C-based firmware that depends on FreeRTOS. I enabled TrustZone and I have configuration for secure and non-secure part of the firmware. Everytime, I re-generate the code, the Secure project config is set...
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