Tried flashing stm32f412 custom controller using uart but facing error while going to boot mode.
I need to flash my hex file to custom stm32f412 board but unable to connect using uart and facing issue while erase memory
Tried flashing stm32f412 custom controller using uart but facing error while going to boot mode.
Tried flashing using stlink, connected but failed to erase memory and application exiting automatically.
Hello @mƎALLEm As I shared in previous schematic, UART1 pins are connected to GPS(PA15 and PB3) will it make any difference?Power supply, I have connected external supply to board i.e., 5v I couldn't able to flash through PA9 and PA10 pinsWhile readi...
Here i have attached my schematic I have removed green and blue LED's which are connected to PA10 and PA9 pins, and connected those pins to Tx and Rx of usb-to-uart adapter.
HelloI'm using stlink to flash my hex file to stm32f412, PA13-SWDIO and PA14-SWCLKBut unable to flash getting error, after connecting 15:01:09 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:15:01:09 : Erasing internal memory sector 015:01:09 : Error: fa...
Hello @mƎALLEmI'm using PA9-Tx and PA10-Rx but facing issue while connecting 11:12:47 : UR connection mode is defined with the HWrst reset mode11:12:47 : RTS low11:12:47 : DTR low11:12:48 : Serial Port COM5 is successfully opened.11:12:48 : Port conf...