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I have spent over a week trying to get USB to work with my board, and have had no luck. As soon as the device detects the USB, the usb goes straight into a HOST_USER_UNRECOVERED_ERROR. I have received almost no assistance from STM32 regarding this, e...
Hi, I am trying to make the MCU the host where a USB can be connected, and the MCU can read/write to the USB. I configured my IOC /CubeMX to use the USB with FATFS. The USB USE OS (RTOS) is automatically enabled.However, the issue is that once the US...
Hi I am using the STM32F7 MCU to use a usb. I can get the USB connected however, when I try to run debug, the application hard faults, and I can't trace the error. I was hoping to get a reference to a tutorial from STM regarding reading/writing to US...
Hi I am having some trouble adjusting the brightness for the STM32F7.I used this in main.c, and externed it I tried using this in model.cpp and in main.c, neither seems to adjust the brightness of the display. void setDutyCycle(float duty_cycle) { ...
Hi I was wondering the recommendation on dynamically loading containers a screen vs pre populating the screen with containers. Here is the situation, when the display loads up, is receives data from a controller. The screen for the display displays x...
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