Hello @mmichala,
Instead of configuring an hardcoded PARTUUID for rootfs-b, I think it's better to read it at runtime (with blkid) in order to update the kernel command line accordingly.
I updated the meta-st-ota layer with this correction.
Hello @mmichala,
I guess you use meta-st-ota layer : to avoid that problem, I would recommand to flash the image into the sdcard with create_sdcard_from_flashlayout.sh script available in the layer, where bootfs-b UUID is managed.
Neverthless, I ta...
Hello @anpa,
Some actions have been taken to upstream 157f boards (ev1 and dk2), but I can't tell you on which tag it will be merged.
The recommandation is to use stm32mp branches provided through ecosystem releases where all non-yet-upstreamed patch...
Hi @altsir_sga,
The max PTP clock is not 100MHz:
"The maximum PTP clock frequency is limited by the maximum resolution of the reference time (10 ns at 100 MHz)."To confirm the max ptp clock is 200MHz, I cross-check on my STM23M257F-EV1 board: