I want to confirm the limitations of GPIO interrupts on STM32 devices.
I am using an STM32H7 device, and observed that interrupts cannot be configured for PA0 and PB0 at the same time. I could not find any confirmation regarding this in the device d...
Hi everyone,I’ve noticed that STM32 drivers make extensive use of macros, and I’m curious about the reasoning behind this. Is the primary motivation is to increase performance / improve maintainability / are there other factors involved?
Why the uart stops working on stm32h755 device once the core clock has been modified and code has been generated using cubemx. It comes with a BSP code for serial communication (which i tried seperately) , that is also not working once the core clock...
My workI have been experimenting with ethernet with tcp server, and i got some good referance to start the basic level of communication from the follwoing pages.https://controllerstech.com/stm32-ethernet-4-tcp-server/https://community.st.com/t5/stm32...
Macros do not allow step-through debugging like normal functions. When debugging, you cannot step into a macro, as it is expanded by the preprocessor before compilation. This is one of the reasons I considered using functions, which provide better de...
I’m considering this from a safety and defensive programming standpoint. In that case, choosing normal functions over macros seems like a better idea. Normal functions provide better type safety, prevent unintended side effects, and are easier to deb...
All I want to achieve with the HAL is MISRA compliance, but these macros seem to be one of the obstacle in reaching that goal.@TDK wrote:At the least, execution would be slower and compile/link time would increase, while the functionality would remai...
Based on the data I’ve read, we have two main options: either stick with the macro or switch to normal functions, In the long run using inline functions seems to be the least preferred solution.