hi,I need to make a database storage ( 20GB ) place using FatFs So, stored data's will be retained from the storage place and stored data's will come to display when necessary . 1. Full Speed USB Flash Drive as Storage - Decent Speed but most of ...
hi,I have successfully connected LTDC display(480x272) with STM32H723ZGT6 - RGB565 mode .I could able to image file from internal Flash Memory .I could able to Load Perfect colour from DMA2D by using. framebuffer in global level .uint16_t framebuffer...
Hi,I am trying to connect 24bit RGB 480x272 display with stm32h723zgt6 but i have pin shortage due to many pin assigned for other purpose and earlier i used FSMC 16bit RGB display .16bit @ RGB565 LTDC Display mainly i need to have lower memory con...
hi,I am trying to connect ili9341 - STM32F722ZE FSMC- TFT but i couldn't succeed .ili9342 16bit - is working in direct GPIO 16 bit data PORT drive with STM32F722ZE not in FSMC-TFT . Looks most of the ili9341 working with FMC-TFT STM32F4 Series aro...
hi1. STM32F722ZE & Winbond SDRAM is working fine with follow setting .W9825G6KH-6I 166MHz/CL3 or 133MHz/CL2 CASLatency = FMC_SDRAM_CAS_LATENCY_3; SDClockPeriod = FMC_SDRAM_CLOCK_PERIOD_3;my understanding was MCU main clock was divide by 2 is made o...
hi,Database look like this .single folder maximum size will be 3MB (mega byte) and most of the time folder size will be less than 3MB. Day wise folder will be called one by one to Display Buffer. Still i am not come to the conclusion to use USB ba...
hi @TVare.1 ,you have solved your issue ? since i am planning to use eMMC in SDMMC mode .hi @Tesla DeLorean eMMC RST Pin remains as open (or) RST Pin should be Pulled up with 4.7K.
How to separate the SRAM- d1 exclusive for LTDC frame buffer . how i can directly assign the SRAM address in the LTDC Frame buffer setting . 255kb size required for frame buffer . i can't assign the staring address the of SRAM- D1 because mcu us...