InSTGAP3SXSdatasheet is funny table , input -> output state, the most important thing for a driver - but wrong:btw : 1. Do not care. -- is perfect here.
Hi,i just tried to see the reaction on some events on a system with H7A3 cpu and was surprised:EXTI response time was 50 us ! This is a lot for a ARM cpu running at 200MHz - too much, i would say.ED: wrong timings measured, my error : pins have cer....
Hi,in ds for STM32H747xI/G , DS12930 Rev 2 , for Temp.sensor CAL2 : 130° (Parameter) is written here: BUT max. temp for chip is 125° :So i assume, this is misspelled , because in all other : (H743, H750, H7A3 ..) 110° + 30° are given.NOT 130° .
Hi,We have now a problem with some boards, H7A3ZI or H743ZI , when switching off : RTC stops working !RTC is powered on VBAT with a standard CR2032 and was working as it should on about 500 boards since more than a year. Now (some) batteries loosin...
Hi,try to set the usb pins to medium speed . (I use this setting and see no problems .)-> Full speed is about 12 Mbit, "medium = 01" pin speed can (see ds) drive 80 MHz at 30 pF load - more than enough.Higher speed just producing more ringing and mo...
Right, so it's getting over current for the whole inverter, by using the sum of all three legs.So it's just a cheap way to get the average sum, if the current sensing for each leg is already needed for feedback/ control.