Hi,The datasheet DS13311 rev. 5 defines the max. SPI clock for the OCTOSPI only for VOS0, what is the max. SPI clock for other Power Scale settings (I'm planing to use VOS1)?best regardsmartin
Hi,I have tried to load a Project (.ioc file) build with CubeIDE 1.15.0 in the newly released CubeIDE1.16.0 (with CubeMX 6.12.0).This give me an error on ADC1:1) I can't select Vbat as ADC source (as working on CubeMX 6.11.0)2) I get a warning about ...
Updating to CubeIDE 1.14.1 I have seen that I can choose some new STM32H7xx MCU's ( especialy the STM32H725, STM32H735 and STM32H730 ). They are very interresting for me ( 3. CAN interface and 2x OCTOSPI with hyperflash support ). Is there any roadma...
I'm using the tlv493d, but I have never tried to use the INT mode (I have INT = 0, FAST = 1, LOW_POWER = 1, reading the data every 2ms I have garanteed new data).If You realy need the low-power mode (100Hz) then probably You really need to deinit th...
Hi If You are using the TCAN3404-Q1 (from the schematics) You need to set the STB pin to low (internal pullup!)If You are using the TCAN3403-Q1 (from the first post) then You have to put Pin 5 (Vio) to 3.3VMartin
The implementation is divided in two:1) Generating the Object Dictionary and the PDO's, this is normaly done with a PC tool (for example CanOpenNode has a tool called EDSEditor)2) Connecting the Data to Your application.In any case You need the CiA 4...
https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/stm32-mcu-developer-zone/mcu-portfolio.htmlgive's You the possibility to find the best STM32 for Your needs.As for the CanOpen Stack, there are some comercial offers (Integrated in STM32CubeIDE you find emotas).If...
Hi,Any STM32 MCU with integrated CAN-Bus Controller is suitable to implement the CANopen Stack.You have to specificate what other requirements You have.