STDV Problem
Posted on May 12, 2018 at 15:28Hi everyone. I am working with STDV development tool. When I want to build the program, the message 'the executable can not be found' appear. How can I modify the settings to solve this problem??
Posted on May 12, 2018 at 15:28Hi everyone. I am working with STDV development tool. When I want to build the program, the message 'the executable can not be found' appear. How can I modify the settings to solve this problem??
Can I use "STM32 ST-Link Utility" or "STM32CubeProgrammer" to program STM8MCU flash?If using "STVP", can it automatically detect the STM8MCU type? or require to configure "STVP" for the MCU type to be programmed.
CLONE of stlink V2 not supported by cubeide and cube programmer. stlinkV3 MODs i have brought recently. But studiny datasheet and TN1235 i didnot found that it is capable to programe and debug STM8S series MCU. Is it true? did any body used stlinkV3-...
Hi, this is from RM0008 , surely , dozens have corrected it themselves since 2007 , but may be it is time to fix the RM nowthanks for all !
We are trying to program addressable LEDs through STM8 microcontroller. For the initial development, we use the NUCLEO-8S208RB. The architecture is as below image. Eight "IN-PI33QBTPRPGPBPW-60" LEDs connected to a data line in daisy chain.We face som...
Hello,I am new for the this mcu(STM8S). I want to init and run the Can driver. But I can't find any documentation or examples on the subject. I don't see any guidance on installing the driver. How should I do this? Are there any examples? I could onl...
Hi,I like to control this cute STM8S103 uC with c-code without using any library. I created many succesfully projects but now I want to write a I2C driver.I configured the uC portpins PB4/PB5 being SCL/SDA as Psuedo Open Drain and as Ouput and the I2...
I'm a bit rusty on 8Bit MCU's, more used to STM32 but have to get that STM8 project done.I have a problem get TIM4 running, it might be I don't see the wood for all that trees.It gets compiled using SDCC and the header file is slightly adopted for th...
Hi,I have an STM8S103F3P6 based development board & I wanted to know if it would be possible to execute program code from an external flash memory?Regards,Aditya.
Hello,I want to connect STM8S003 & ADXL345 (accelerometer) using SPI 3wire mode (lines ~CS, SCK & MOSI as single bidirectional data line).According to 'RM0016 Reference manual STM8S...', the register SPI_CR2 of STM8S has BDM (Bidirectional data mode ...