2016-07-31 11:56 PM
I'm trying to run the CAN Network example (\STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.4.0\Projects\STM32F769I_EVAL\Examples\CAN\CAN_Networking\MDK-ARM).
EVAL board Jumpers are set according to the documentation, I'm running the example without any changes. I have one EVAL board connected to a USB CAN-USB monitor (PEAK PCAN-USB). After I hit the tamper button in order to send a CAN message, the CAN monitor gives a BUSHEAVY error. Very often BUSHEAVY is caused by bit timing issues. This example based on EVAL units running in the same CAN network. Maybe it�s never tested with an external CAN USB tool, to be sure the bitrate is really according specifications? Anybody familier with this issue? #canbus #stm32 #hal #can #cubemx2016-08-01 3:42 AM
Hi Gerber,
Thank you for your feedback. your issue related to the wrong baud rate configuration has been reported internally.-Syrine-2016-08-03 10:17 PM
thanks for your reply. Solved by using the initialisation below:/*APB1 = 54000000 -> brp = 54000000/3/1000000 = 18 -> (2+11)/(2+11+5)*100 = 72%*/
CanHandle.Init.TTCM = DISABLE;
CanHandle.Init.ABOM = DISABLE;
CanHandle.Init.AWUM = DISABLE;
CanHandle.Init.NART = DISABLE;
CanHandle.Init.RFLM = DISABLE;
CanHandle.Init.TXFP = DISABLE;
CanHandle.Init.Mode = CAN_MODE_NORMAL;
CanHandle.Init.SJW = CAN_SJW_1TQ;
CanHandle.Init.BS1 = CAN_BS1_12TQ;
CanHandle.Init.BS2 = CAN_BS2_5TQ;
CanHandle.Init.Prescaler = 3;