2021-05-05 5:59 AM
I have generated code for STM32F7 using STM32CubeMX with firmware package version 1.16.1 and lwIP version 2.1.2.
In ethernetif_init function of ethernetif.c file, I have changed default value of netif->hostname.(LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME is already enabled) But when I search the active nodes on network using "arp-scan --localnet" I see the hostname of my STM32 as "STMicroelectronics SRL" and not the one which was set in code.
How can the default hostname be changed?
2021-05-21 10:54 AM
Hello @Community member,
First le me welcome you to the STM32 Community and apologize for the late reply :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
In order to avoid any misunderstanding could you please detail more the issue.
Do you mean that even after enabling LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME through STM32CubeMX interface, it will not be correctly set to 1 in the generated lwipopts.h ?
Normally, LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME parameter should be defined to 1 in your lwipopts.h. The default host name value is "lwip" ,please refer to 'ethernetif_init()' function of ethernetif.c file:
/* Initialize interface hostname */
netif->hostname = "lwip";
Then you can change it by your preferred host name value, or you can call 'netif_set_hostname()' after the initialization to override the default name.
Furthermore, you'll find linked the User Manual detailing the process of developing applications on STM32Cube with LwIP TCP/IP stack.
Your feedback will be very helpful to discern the problem :)
2021-08-07 1:38 PM
Hello Khouloud,
we assigned our company specific MAC address in low_level_init function, after which the hostname was set to our company name (setting hostname using lwIP had still no effect though).
Thanks & Regards,