2021-05-17 3:49 AM
Hi all,
I'm trying to debug the STM32L4A6RG custom board and I have modified the Linker file (as shown in fig 2)which is associated with this board. After the debug, control is hitting at main function successfully. And the breakpoint is coming till this function prvPortStartFirstTask. But the control is not coming to the vPortSVCHandler function rather it is breaking at this address 0x8011e1a.(as shown in fig 1)
fig 1: cannot debug-break at address 0X8011e1a
fig 2: Linker file(main LD file)
sub ld files which are included in main ld file
sub lf file 1)
sub ld file 2)
Please can any one tell me the issue why it is happening ?and the solution for this issue.
Thanks in advance,
Roopa K
2021-05-18 12:51 AM
Hi all,
I resolved this issue by changing the VECT_TAB_OFFSET(as per the vector start address) in system_stm32l4xx.c file