2023-02-26 5:29 AM
Hello ,
when i swap slowly from one screen to anotheir, i get stuck beetween two screen on my board (STM32F7508-DK)
I have attached a full the project.
2023-02-26 5:53 AM
i have also note some strange things in the generated code :
1) MX_TouchGFX_Init() is called before MX_TouchGFX_PreOSInit and before osKernelInitialize().
/* Call PreOsInit function */
/* Init scheduler */
MX_TouchGFX_Init() call :
void OSWrappers::initialize()
// Create a queue of length 1
frame_buffer_sem = osSemaphoreNew(1, 1, NULL); // Binary semaphore
assert((frame_buffer_sem != NULL) && "Creation of framebuffer semaphore failed");
// Create a queue of length 1
vsync_queue = osMessageQueueNew(1, 4, NULL);
assert((vsync_queue != NULL) && "Creation of vsync message queue failed");
It means we are calling os_*** api before kernel initalise.
Note that it doesn't seem to cause any issue (i was thinking that osKernelInitialize() should be call prio any otheir os_*** call) as osSemaphoreNew and osMessageQueueNew doesn't return null.
2) frame_buffer_sem and vsync_queue doesn't have name, and i don't know why, there are not displayed in freertos debug view in STM32CUBEIDE. If i modify the code and give them a name, they are displayed.
3) The issue is problably related with frame_buffer_sem, touchgfx task blocked by this semaphore when screen freeze.
2023-02-27 6:41 AM
Hello GMula.1,
I've tried your project and I could reproduce the issue. Thank you for reporting it, we will investigate on this bug and I'll get back to you when I'll have more info.
2023-08-03 4:43 AM
Hello @GMula.1 ,
Sorry for the late update but this issue is now resolved in TouchGFX 4.22