2025-01-15 10:10 AM
Hi Community!
I worked with TouchGFX for last few years but this is my first attempt with partial faramebuffer strategy.
The MCU is STM32G0B1CBT, TouchGFX 4.24.1 and The LCD is 240x320 with ili9341 driver
I'm simulating the TE pin in systick to make the engine working. not sure if i'm doing it right
if (frame_tick_ms > 0) {
if (frame_tick_ms == 0) {
v_sync = v_sync ? false : true;
if (v_sync) {
frame_tick_ms = 85;
else {
frame_tick_ms = 5;
I tryed to follow the G071 example code. The LCD is up and working and i'm able to fill it with color before the GUI starts. But after that i'm facing this on my display and can't figure out where is the problem.
It's looks like the framework doesn't sending the whole blocks and after a few lines it's stops till next transmition.
Thanks in advance!
2025-01-16 6:37 AM
Hello @hqMicro ,
Can you try without the TE pin implementation?
I mean, is it possible for you to check that the partial framebuffer works and only after that you will implement the tearing effect?
Can you explain what "v_sync = v_sync ? false : true;" is doing? To me it looks like it is just toggling the value so it is like "v_sync = !v_sync;" which is probably not what you want.
2025-01-17 3:00 AM
2025-01-17 5:22 AM
Hello @GaetanGodart and thanks for your attention,
Can you try without the TE pin implementation?
For this i disabled the parameter in CubeMX
then in systick timer
if (frame_tick_ms++ > 80) {
frame_tick_ms = 0;
I'm getting same result.
Can you explain what "v_sync = v_sync ? false : true;" is doing? To me it looks like it is just toggling the value so it is like "v_sync = !v_sync;" which is probably not what you want.
That i see now is a confusing naming. it's just a variable that i used to simulate TE Rising and Falling interrupt callbacks. The whole usage is like this:
volatile int frame_tick_ms = 85;
volatile bool v_sync;
void VSYNC_Rising_Callback();
void VSYNC_Falling_Callback();
* @brief Period elapsed callback in non blocking mode
* @note This function is called when TIM6 interrupt took place, inside
* HAL_TIM_IRQHandler(). It makes a direct call to HAL_IncTick() to increment
* a global variable "uwTick" used as application time base.
* @param htim : TIM handle
* @retval None
void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef *htim)
/* USER CODE BEGIN Callback 0 */
/* USER CODE END Callback 0 */
if (htim->Instance == TIM6) {
/* USER CODE BEGIN Callback 1 */
if (htim->Instance == TIM6) {
if (frame_tick_ms > 0) {
if (frame_tick_ms == 0) {
v_sync = v_sync ? false : true;
if (v_sync) {
frame_tick_ms = 85;
else {
frame_tick_ms = 5;
/* USER CODE END Callback 1 */
and the Callback names are just renaming the EXTI callback functions:
//void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Rising_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
void VSYNC_Rising_Callback() {
//void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Falling_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
void VSYNC_Falling_Callback() {
After some trial and errors , i found out that the framebuffer blocks are filled with data by framework and i'm able to send them to display by modifying the following function like this:
void Display_Bitmap(const uint16_t *bitmap, uint16_t posx, uint16_t posy, uint16_t sizex, uint16_t sizey)
uint8_t rem = posy % 80;
if (rem == 0)
sizey += 140;
else {
if (posy == 120) {
sizey += 60;
IsTransmittingBlock_ = 1;
__HAL_SPI_ENABLE(&hspi1); // Enables SPI peripheral
by this i have to invalidate the whole screen every time for any changes and the last block of old framebuffer data will be visible very shortly. Please find the atteched video
2025-01-18 12:17 AM
Thank you @cb.7 .Actually, I found that link at first but realized that the TouchGFX Demo also implemented all those parts with better performance in mind, so I decided to go with the demo one. Maybe there is something that i missed or something that needs to be fixed :)
2025-01-23 5:51 AM
Hello @hqMicro ,
The whole usage is like this:
Ok my bad. You actually stay in low state for 5 ticks and in high state for 85 ticks. What is the duration for the timer that you use?
In your video, we see artefacts of the upper half on the bottom half. The video last 4 seconds and we see the artefacts 6 times in total. The artefacts shows at repeated timings.
If your tick timer is meant to be "shot" 120 times per seconds, since you have a 90 ticks cycle, the artefact and the rising/falling edge would be in phase so we would be almost sure that it happens every time you refresh your screen.
In that case, you refresh your screen quite rarely (around 1,3 frames per second).
Have you read framebuffer-strategies : partial-frame-buffer ?
2025-02-18 2:09 AM
Hello @hqMicro ,
Have you been able to move forward on your project?