2019-08-16 8:34 AM
Trying to get a new display board working using STM32CubeIDE and TouchGFX. Processor is STM32F469BI, Display is an 800x480 with 24BPP RGB888 interface. I've also got a 128Mb x 32 external SDRAM for the frame buffer. I've gone through the data sheets to set up the FMC and LTDC, etc, and have tried to get images to appear on the screen, with no success. So far the closest I've gotten is shown below. TouchGFX Simulator output, followed by my LCD image. It looks like the correct information is in there, but just not being displayed correctly, obviously. Anyone ever see anything like this and have any suggestions of what I need to tweak to produce the correct display image?
Thanks in advance for any help. Been struggling with this for many days now!
2019-08-16 8:41 AM
Second attempt to get the simulator window to appear. Nevermind. Just got it working in original post. Sorry folks. New to posting here.