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Core Locked Up (STM32h753ZI)

Associate III


I am Working on SBSFU. I have Flashed the STM32H753zi example code after flashing i am not able to flash from programmer. even after changing the option bytes RDP level 0 is set.

I have Connect another working board of stm32h753zi board i compared the parameter with flash able baord and non-flash able board.

only one thing is observed

1.not flash able board PCROP is set to :(prot_area_start1 0x00)

2.flash able baord PCROP is set to :(prot_area_start1  0xFF) 

I have tried using STMCubeProgarmmer not able modify prot_area_start1 0x00 to prot_area_start1 0xff Facing error i have attached the Screenshot below GUI and CLI both

3.Image 1 stm32Cubeprogrammer GUI:


4.Image 2stm32cubeprogrammer CLI:





Prakash R

ST Employee

Hello @Prakash_Raj1994 

Sorry for my late Answer.

It seems you are encountering an issue with the PCROP settings on your STM32H753ZI board. I suggest to change the RDP level from 0xAA to 0xBB. This step is necessary to disable the PCROP protection. After changing the RDP level to 0xBB, you need to remove the PCROP protection by setting PROT_AREA_START1 to 0xFF and PROT_AREA_END1 to 0x0. Then, change the RDP level back to 0xAA. You can follow the following steps:

  • Step 1: Change the RDP level from 0xAA to 0xBB.
  • Step 2: Check the DMEP1 and DMEP2 settings. The DMEP1 and DMEP2 are option bits in the STM32H75 that, when set, ensure the content of the corresponding PCROP (Proprietary Code Readout Protection) area is erased during an RDP (Readout Protection) level 1 to 0 regression or a bank erase with protection removal.
  • Step 3: Remove the PCROP protection by setting PROT_AREA_START1 to 0xFF and PROT_AREA_END1 to 0x0.
  • Step 4: Change the RDP level back to 0xAA.

Best regards