2024-12-12 03:29 PM
I am using STMicroelectronics.X-CUBE-AZRTOS-F4 and STM32CubeIDE to make an NetXDuo HTTP server serve a web page POST from the MCU. The sample: "rtos-docs/netx-duo/netx-duo-http/Chapter2" is a minimal implementation. It is not an ST project, and does not adequately explain how to load the HTML from FLASH (I know how to write the binary web page to FLASH.), but does detail the minimum HTTP server for the application. I read through the excellent STM paper: "How to implement a webserver in STM32 using NetXDuo" and reviewed the STM NX_WEBSERVER NUCLEO-F429ZI sample. I know how to write the binary web page to FLASH.
The literature said to use TIM6 as a Time base Source instead of SysTick. When I run the app, I get a hard fault in the entry to the SystemTimerThread, which seems to be automatically created. Does anyone know how to work around this fault?
I am simply looking for the "minimum" implementation of an HTTP server that will handle one POST, any suggestions?
2024-12-14 03:04 PM
So you build this Nx_WebServer example and run it on the Nucleo STM32F429ZI board, and it faults?
Please start from the original project and try to get it "working" as is, before changing anything in the code (timers, html pages etc.). Then carefully compare it with the other non-ST project and merge only the needed differences, without disturbing netx and threadx "base".