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Forum Posts

STM32F4. Transfert data from SPI3 to SPI1 and DMA ?

Hello,I need with STM32F4 to read datas (multiple bytes) from a sensor connected to SPI3 and transfert the bytes i read from this SPI3 to an external memory connected to SPI1.I would like to use DMA (if possible). Seemingly SPI1 can only be connected...

FMaup.1 by Associate II
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H755 / ADC3 / DMA

Hello,I'm desperate. Just want to concvert some data with the ADC3 with DMA on a H755.No chance! DMA doesn't work, and even a cyclic sample only produces the right values for the first turn. After that, only max. resolution is returned. 12 bit => 0x8...

UBöke.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to measure power supply internally on STM32F107?

Hello community, I'm working on a STM32F107VCT6 where I have practically (by means of very basic filtering) shorted on the PCB VDD/VDDA/VREF+/VBAT and VSS/VSSA/VREF-.   I've runned out of pins so I was wondering if there were a way to measure the pow...

Spaghetto by Associate III
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Resolved! Help in selecting a dev board

I have over 25 years in embedded design but I am new to ST and ARM cores. I am looking at the STM32 MCU's to replace a 32bit MCU I am already using, the only feature I don't need is the graphics system as we have our own GUI hardware and firmware. I ...

laffelt by Associate
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Resolved! FLASH ECC Codes Cause Bus Fault on STM32H743

Hello,For a few months now I have been having issues with writing data to flash memory on the STM32H743ZIT6. Most of the time, everything works great and I am able to read the data from flash successfully, but every now and again, the flash memory ge...


STM32L4R9I_EVAL and TouchGFX EEPROM issue

I'm using the STM32L4R9I_Eval board with the STM32 Cube IDE (v 1.12.1) and the TouchGFX interface (v 4.21.3).  I'm having an issue with EEPROM... I grabbed the STM32 provided BSP EEPROM code and am basically reading/writing a structure that contains ...

I2S MASTER desynchronization at start

Hello,i working in I2S since 6 month on STM32F405. after several analyzes, we have problems.we work on I2S is connected on SGT5000.SGTL5000 must have continous master clock to communicate with him on I2C.So the design started I2S MASTER with DMA all ...

trave.1 by Associate II
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