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Forum Posts

Re: Question about DMA Peripheral Address Increment

Hi, This might seem a bit off topic but I really don't know where to raise this question. I didn't find any relevant discussion elsewhere.I'm trying to use dma driven i2c and want to enable peripheral address increment in order to read consecutive re...

STM32MP157F-DK2 pinctrl-stm32mp157.c I2C3

STM32MP157F-DK2 is missing I2C3_SDA at CN2, Arduino connectors although it has I2C3_SCL at PA8. Is it possible to bring I2C3_SDA to PG8 by modifying pinctrl-stm32mp157.c, stm32mp15-pinctrl.dtsi, stm32mp157f-dk2.dts and then no need to use STM32CubeMX...

STM32L011F4 ADC Calibration issues

We have ongoing issues with calibration of the ADC.Two things stand out, and I have (sort of) fixed them, but I would like to know WHY its needed (and possibly if there is a better way.) 1) I'm getting inconsistent calibration results. Causing the AD...

Resolved! STM32H7 CM4 ADC/DMA Issues

I'm attempting to bring up a project on a Nucleo-H755 board using only the CM4 core (the CM7's boot is disabled). I have proved out that the ADC works as expected with polling and interrupts, but I can't get DMAs to function.I found and reviewed the ...

MBand.3 by Associate III
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Does STM32L4P5-DK support EEPROM emulation? If yes how it can be done?? any examples . I want to write the data into the flash memory. Also I  downloaded the middleware for the EEPROM emulation from the link EEPROM emul . I cannot add the middleware ...

ajimathew by Associate III
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STM32G030K8T6 timer sync problem.

1)I am using STM32G030K8T6 running an internal 64Mhz close. I configured TIM1, TIM14, TIM16 & TIM17 as follows:prescaler= 1000-1counter mode:=upcounter period = 32000-1output compare channel 1:Mode= toggle on matchpulse=1-1CH polarity = lowCH idle st...

KYip.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! Failure when Configuring UART1 in the STM32C031C6

I'm using the STM32C031C6 configured with USART1 in 115200. When opening communication with the YAT serial terminal, the bytes are sent and received wrong. (I used STMCubeMX for code generation).Ex: (YAT configured correctly as it works on an older p...

hgalindo by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32U575 and DCMI connections(Camera)

Hi all,I'm trying to connect between STM32U575ZITxQ to DCMI connections.I found every single port in ST to the camera except "DCMI_MCLK"(external clk).I looked at the DataSheet and Reference manual but I didn't see any information about the camera's ...

NoaTech by Associate II
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