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CEC TV emulate with STM32, how id setup?

We for testing CEC client device require emulate master. In normal device code we set hcec.Init.OwnAddress = CEC_OWN_ADDRESS_x but for TV master how is right choice?  hcec.Init.OwnAddress = CEC_OWN_ADDRESS_NONE; or hcec.Init.OwnAddress = CEC_OWN_ADDR...

MM..1 by Chief III
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Resolved! HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage() contains problems

Hi I am using CAN in STM32F303RDT6.I am using HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage for CAN transmission.This function will send the data and return HAL_OK if the sending mailbox is free.However, although HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage returns HAL_OK, no message may actually b...

Ukazu by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7 UART TEACK forever after clock switch

Hey together,I discovered a super strange a critical behaviour of the STM32H750 chip. Maybe you can help me to prove this issue. We have a firmware which is split into 2 parts (bootloader, application). Both BL and APP are using the UARTs to communic...

bl1.png app1.png
ESawa.1 by Associate III
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Flashing issue using Zephyr & STLink

Hello,We are migrating to zephyr, the board which is supported by zephyr is nucleo_g0b1re, but out actual controller is stm32g0c1ret3. Both are of same family, have same memory and all. I have just made changes in the overlay file for my application,...

Resolved! Setting GPIO interrupts for two identical pins

We are developing a software application that uses GPIO interrupts.We want to set interrupts on the same pins (PE8, PG8), but only one of them can be set to external interrupt mode in the ioc.Is it not possible to set external interrupt mode for two ...

Resolved! Is it a bug? STM32F0xx HAL USART Driver

 Hello All,I am using USART peripheral to transfer a block of bytes. I am trying to do it using DMA. Because I want all bytes of USART frame should be dispatched without any gaps between them and my system has few interrupts that could bring gaps bet...


STM32U5 USB device under FreeRTOS

Hi, We want to implement a USB-C functionality to our customized board (based on a STM32U5G9).  The software uses FreeRTOS environnement.  Is there an existing USB (Device) example, tutorial or library that could be compatible with our project?regard...

S_D by Associate
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Resolved! Hello, I'm having troubles changing the baudrate of my UART2 configuration. It is initially set to 921600 bps and a bit duration is 1.08us = 1/921600bps, which is fine. However, trying to double this value seems impossible.

In MX, at first, I changed the sample rate to 8 bits to double the baudrate. The code was successfully generated, compiled and downloaded. The communication still exists, but the baudrate is still the same as before, with a bit duration of 1.08us.The...

PMach.1 by Senior
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Resolved! I2C DMA endless while loop.

Hi I am having some issues where my MCU ( stm32f030C8T6 ) seems to get stuck in a while loop when using I2C1 and a AS5600 IC.I will paste the code below but give some more detail on the issue here.In the function named "void I2C1_Write_DMA(uint8_t sl...

table by Associate II
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