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STM32H7 Max UART Baudrate

Posted on November 24, 2017 at 16:15I tried to figure out the specification of the max. UART baudrate for the SM32H7 series (@ 400MHz system clock).The data sheet says 12.5 MBit.Does this apply to all UART ports or only selected ones?I need 8 MBits ...

Resolved! STM32H5 VDDIO2

Hi,I survey an MCU that IO can be operated in 1.08V to 3.6V.The STM32H563xx could reach my request.But the DS shows the only 10 IOs can be operated in 1.08V to 3.6V.Does STM32H563xx have any setting to extend low power IOs?Or other MCU part number ca...

Goldberg by Associate II
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How to use Timer6 and Timer7 at the same time?

I used Timer6 and Timer7 on STM32L433CCT6, used Timer6 for tone generation and Timer7 for tone toggle generation, the ISR is: void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim) { if(htim == &htim6) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_0)...

MQi.1 by Senior II
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MDF with Data from Cordic or from RAM

HiI am trying to migrate software from a stm32l4s9 to a STM32U585.How can I transfer data from from Ram to an MDF filter?Also the L4s9 withFSDM1_Channel2->CHDATINR = (outI_2 >> 16);I was able to feed the data into the filter.Is this also possible wit...

FZieg by Associate
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Resolved! Some sort of printf via SWV

Hello,Firstly I'd like to say I have googled for examples and worked independently by reading ST docs and looked at the suggested topics before posting. I did begin to hijack another thread but I'll start one instead.What a long and painful tradition...

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STM32f103c8T6 inaccurate ADC readings

Hello, I'm using stm32f103c8t6 board and trying to get simple voltage divider readings. I'm also using multimeter to measure voltage and well I'm getting 0.2 sometimes 0.4 V error. Is this normal? I really need precision, 0.2 or 0,4 volts are reall...

DSimp.1 by Associate III
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STM32 Editing Linker Script

Hello everyone, I am using STM32F767ZI which in the reference manual has ITCM, DTCM, SRAM1 and SRAM2 but in the linker script it is just RAM so I am trying to change it from: MEMORY{ RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 512K FLASH (rx) : ORI...

Inquiry about integrated flash memory STM32H745XL

Good morning to all,I was wanting to save data in the non volatile memory of my STM32H745i-Disk with the STM32H745XL micro.It is only to save the following structure to read it every time the microcontroller is turned on and modify it from time to ti...

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I2C RXNE flag gets reset without reading RXDR

Hello,I am implementing my own I2C drivers based on the LL drivers provided by stm32g031xxxx (STM is the only master) Transmission and Reception all work very well but I am trying to get away with some optimization by starting a I2C read from a slave...

Programming STM with SWV without nRST pin

Hello,I am programming STM32G491, while I need to use nRST as GPIO (MCO). I am using a code that you can see below. The problem is that when I am debugging a program, the debugger is disconected after HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch(); (this should reset MCU, am...