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[solved]stm32f0 rtc pls help

Posted on August 21, 2015 at 17:08 I downloaded application note write device(stm32f0discovery,stm32f051r8t6).the weird thing with cube generated code it doesnt work either.In addition if I put breakpoint on while loop when I look rtc I s...

aaslan by Associate II
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Posted on August 25, 2015 at 21:34Hello, I work with a STM32F429ZIT Âµcontroller and I have a set back. I wish find someone who could explain me what's happening in details in this part of the prog:                                                /**...

Boot problem STM32F042

Posted on September 05, 2015 at 10:40Dear all I have a boot problem with the STM32F042G4U6 (uVision V5.14.0.0.). I designed a custom board and sadly forgot to connect the Boot0 (floating) to GND. Because of that, I can program the MCU, but the contr...

how to send 4096 int32_t by USB CDC

Posted on August 28, 2015 at 02:22 Hi, I'm working on a project that use an audiocodec, connected to a stm32f411 uC by I2S and I2C. I use HAL_I2SEx_TransmitReceive_DMA(&hi2s2, (uint16_t *)OutputBuffer, (uint16_t *)InputBuffer, 2*SAMPLES);...

Cube HAL 1.7- USB CDC - F411 - Wait for a char

Posted on September 02, 2015 at 16:20Hi, I need to send 16kbyte from uC to the PC. PC is host. I'm using CDC. What is the best way to use hal library to wait for a character from de PC to start send data? is CDC_Receive_FS function a blocking functi...

STM32F401 stop mode

Posted on September 03, 2015 at 17:18Hey, I have encountered a interesting error. I have made a logger and to save power it goes to stop mode (~6-7ms), while the sensor is converting the results and to stand by mode (1-2s) till the next measurement....

matas by Associate II
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STM32F4 Discovery Leds

Posted on September 03, 2015 at 18:50Hi,i am searching for a openscource code to dim and change the frequency the leds over a potentiometer on the stm32f4 discovery board. I researched on the net but did not find anything. Can somebody help me pleas...

anomyzer by Associate
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F4 FSMC connect to FPGA

Posted on September 04, 2015 at 16:58Hi, I am using F405's FSMC to connect to a FPGA, I am planning to configure FSMC in SRAM/PSRAM mode, however, I only want to use 4 address lines, A[3:0], can the rest of address pins to be configured as GPIOs or ...

frank23 by Associate II
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CCM on STM32F405 and STM32F446

Posted on September 03, 2015 at 13:57Hi, We are using STM32F303 in one of our project and find the CCM routine booster is of great help. Now, we are openning a new project using F4, but the CCM programming information is very limited on F4. My quest...

frank23 by Associate II
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