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Forum Posts

Resolved! I2C Slave device implementation ACK/NACK problem

As mentioned in the topic subject, I would like to implement I2C Slave device which will simulate the BQ769x2 device. For development I'm using STM32F4 Discovery board, but the final product will be deployed on STM32L0.Master device is first trying t...

mr4k_0-1739542590631.png Write_3E_0100_NACK1.png Write_3E_0100_ACK.png
mr4k by Associate II
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Wrong readout of STM32U575 Temperature Sensor

Hello,Trying to read STMU575 Internal Temperature Sensor, we get wrong readout.We need you advise on what is required to get correct temperature readouts from the STM32U575 temperature sensor.A. We use ADC4 configured as follows:B. The below detailed...

RLanz.2 by Associate III
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Communicate between STM32F7 and ESP-01 via UART

Hello,I am reaching out to ask if it would be possible to get some help configuring my esp01.c library.I am currently developing a library that utilizes DMA, interrupts, and a circular buffer to communicate with an ESP-01 module. The module is connec...

Resolved! STM32H7S78-DK Template XIP external Ram setup bug found

Hey ST,In the FW package that comes with the STM32H7S78-DK, I've been using the Template-XIP project as the base for my own project, and I noticed this issue with the MPU setup of the external SDRAM on the XSPI1 line. Whenver I would try and access m...

halfordC by Associate II
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Resolved! Using integrated DB function of STM32U5 with TCPP01-M12

Hello everyone,I'm currently working on a USB Type‑C Power Delivery design using the STM32U575VGT6Q and the TCPP01‑M12. According to the TCPP01‑M12 datasheet and the example from the UM2581 STM32L5 Nucleo Board, the DB pin should be connected to a GP...

EniRot99 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32 U545 - ADC DMA

Hello everyone, I am currently starting my master thesis and i have to design a control loop for an inverter with the STM32 U545 RE-Q. I have started programming in STM32 a week ago so everything is complicated and overwhelming ... I am aware that th...

Marc3 by Associate II
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