Just download en.x-cube-aws.zip, it is STM32CubeExpansion_Cloud_AWS_V1.4.0.I use TrueStudio to import the STM32F769I-Discovery_AWS project, it works, I can view the project files. But when I build the project, it comes "Info: Nothing to build for NUC...
i want to make smart home project which includes-support goggle home mini & alexa & mobile app-1 fan speed control (ac voltage control)-dimmer(ac voltage control)-lights (on-off)how can i add support for both google & alexa?i found some resources but...
We have a working design in an STM32F745 device that talks to an eMMC device over SDMMC. We ported the design over to an STM32H743 device, using CubeMX to configure the device to match the F7, and the SDMMC interface doesn't work. We've gone throug...
I am getting warnings that AccY, AccZ and Avg are not being used.
Hello together, I am beginner with STM32-controllers and I have started reading the tutorial book "Beginning STM32" from Warren Gay.I ordered three STM32F103C8T6 platines and I have also three ST-Link V2 program/debug adapter, but only with one adapt...
Hi,I maked a .ioc project on STM32F103 used STM32CubeMX, and Enabled its CAN mastor mode, and Enabled CAN's all interrupts(RX,TX,ERROR). Then make a SIMULINK model link to the ioc file, and place a CAN_IT module into it. At this time, it tell me 'Con...
Hello,I am working on power management and I put MCU in sleep mode (no low-power), but it doesn't wake up when it receives a CAN frame, it stays in sleep mode. I would like any CAN frame to wake up the MCU.To switch to sleep mode I use :HAL_PWR_Ent...
Dear all,I am trying to program STM32f072 microcontroller with simulink and i use Matlab R2013b and MAT Target 5.1.0 when i have used stm_config block to configure hardware target i got a problem that i can not set the block parameters.I herewith att...