Does anyone have experience with getting the timer to run with input capture, I am unable to make the input capture function.I have a working system with STM32F03 (M0) devices initialization generated by CubeMX. Now I am testing an identical system w...
Hi,My code is generating a HardFault condition, is not every single time it pass the main loop, but after the first 5s it stops.The Hardfault not happen every time in the same line, that is what have been so difficult to track down, but it always sto...
Dear Members,I tried to initialize ADC1 channel 0 with DMA but I got not output yet,Init code :ADC_HandleTypeDef hadc; DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma_adc; /* ADC init function */ void MX_ADC_Init(void) { ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig = {0}; /**Confi...
Setting up an embedded project with the Blinky Hello World project, and my build keeps making a .hex file when I don't really want it to. There isn't anything in the pre or post build steps that should be generating a .hex file (the way I found onli...
I am thinking about a new control unit for my project and want to use 2 STM32 controllersController 1: STM32F413 or maybe some lowpower STM32 with 6 Uart/USart• Messurementso 10x ADCo 12x IO Outputso 4x pulse inputo 5 x different 485 and 23...
Greetings Everybody,I want to ready PWM Input Frequency from 0.016 Hz to 250 Hz. I tried a bit with PWM Input Capture and i can read up to 11 Hz . Is it possible to ready frequencies lower than this ?May be i might be doing some thing wrong in settin...
I use the STM32F303 Nucle-64 board and I use Keil uVision to programming.I use HAL_UART_Transmit/Receive function and I haven't problems.
As per table 69 under section 5.3.22 of datasheet STM32F405XX/407XX (DocID022152 Rev 8), the parameters of “Average slope�? (Avg_Slope) and “Voltage at 25°C�? are specified to be 2.5mV/°C and 0.76V, respectively. Does it imply the sensitivity to be 4...
RM0433 Rev 6 refernce manual discrepency about the RTC clock sources. The H7 errata and clock tree indicates the LSI is in the backup domain but the top of page 351 it says it is not:The LSE clock is in the Backup domain, whereas the other oscillator...