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Forum Posts

Resolved! How to control STM32H7RS GPIO port P and N?

I use NUCLEO-H7S3L8 to evaluate our new solution. I want to use GPIO port P to control a few external components.I add some test code into NUCLEO-H7S3L8\Examples\GPIO\GPIO_IOTggle project, like the below snapped code:__HAL_RCC_GPIOP_CLK_ENABLE();GPIO...

STM32H562 Digital vs Analog temperature sensor

HiWe are currently working on a new board with a STM32H562. As part of the design, we want to measure the temperature of the MCU. In the Datasheet of the STM32H562 I see the “Analog temperature sensor” (as I know it from other STM32) connected to the...

MMeie.3 by Associate II
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FDCAN1 not working on PA11 and PA12

Hello everyone, I tried to put Canopen node for stm32 into operation. I used the standard pinning from STMCubeIde, i.e. pa 11 and 12. But this does not seem to work. void FDCAN1_IT1_IRQHandler(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN FDCAN1_IT1_IRQn 0 */ /* USER ...

Meiko_Ju by Associate II
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Clear Interrupts Prior to sleep confusion

I'm working on getting the STM32G0 to stop mode. Im using WFI so it will wake on interrupt. Right now its immediately waking which is confusing me.My understanding is that I should __disable_irq() first to prevent the interrupt handlers from being ca...

Carl_G by Senior
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STM32F446 USB host connection issues

Hi,I am using a STM32F446 as a USB high speed host. my device is connected to a USB3300 chip to control the micro usb port, which is then connected to a camera. My code works ~90% of the time, however sometimes the connection to the camera can be unr...


Resolved! GPIO & EXTI: switching between input & output

Heyho,I'm currently using a GPIO on a STM32L031 for a custom 1-wire interface, which means it's switching all the time between input and output mode (open drain).So far I have learned that the EXTI interrupt only works with GPIOs in input mode.My que...

LCE by Principal II
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ADC1 and ADC4 readings at the same time

Hello,  I have been trying for some days to read the values incoming form both ADCs, ADC1 & ADC4, from the NUCLEO U545-REQ. The overall idea is to trigger both ADCs at the same time in output compare mode but if i try to trigger both of them at the s...

Marc3 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32U545RE-Q: not getting ADC1 conversion data via GPDMA

Hello everyone,  I'm currently trying to set up the two ADCs (ADC1, ADC4) on my NUCLEO-U545RE-Q for multi-channel continuous conversion via GPDMA (I've previously used an L4+, but intend to change to the U5 family for the final product and am using t...

cjb89 by Associate II
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