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STM32G030 DMA to GPIO BSRR bus error

HiSTM32G0 series is a newer chip family with more advanced DMA/MUX to provide more code, which uses tim16 update to request DMA to transfer from memory to GPIO BSRR. The code works on STM32F030 but fail in G030. The request from TIM...

STM32F732 BOOT1 pin

I thought the BOOT Modes used BOOT0 & BOOT1(PB2) pinsand to pull BOOT0 (high) and BOOT1(low) to get BOOT MODE (SYSTEM MEMORY) and allow the STM32CUDE programmer!I've looked thru the STM32F723 Docs and PB2 does not seem to show/sharethe BOOT1 pin func...

CTerr.1 by Associate II
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Single bank mode for STM32L471RxE devices

Hi EveryoneI'm having some trouble with the reference manuals description of single bank mode for the STM32L471RxE devices. In the attachments you can see that the page number for bank 2 always starts with 256, regardless of the flash size. What I co...

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DWyde.1 by Associate II
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How to fix the I2C slave issue with STM32G070? HAL_I2C_ListenCpltCallback, HAL_I2C_AddrCallback, HAL_I2C_SlaveRxCpltCallback, HAL_I2C_SlaveTxCpltCallback

Hi, I'm trying to setup a stm32g070kb (32pin) MCU as I2C slave by using CubeIDE.I would like to create a code which will work same as I2C Eeprom, but when I ask the stm32 (with another MCU) to return me a register or registers value, the returned reg...

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MrLKovacs by Associate II
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STM32C0 Boot Programming

Hi, I am planning to use STM32C011F6 for a simple application and want to download application through UART1. How to use BOOT0 pin to program MCU for the first time. According to data sheet, UART1 pins PA9/PA10 needs remapping to function as UART. Al...

KGane.1 by Associate III
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