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FSMC Connection

Hello teamI'm working on the LCD display parallel connection stm32f4 series.Please check the FSMC interface; I've included my schematic. 

STM32 and IAP

Hello, I have been trying to implement IAP in my device. But my code gets stuck in "UART_WaitOnFlagUntilTimeout". For once I was able to transfer the binary file of the new user application but later whenever I am trying to send the binary file it is...

STM32 H743/H753 with pmod I2S2 Stereo Audio

TL;DR – Does anyone know how get the STM H7 series boards to do what Phil showed how do to in [#5] IIR Filters - Audio DSP On STM32 with I2S (24 Bit / 96 kHz) for the STM32 F4 series?  The H7 appears to be lots faster, and its floating point unit doe...

SamT by Associate
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Resolved! Migrating from Quad SPI STM32H750 to Octo SPI STM32H733

Background: We have a board that uses Quad SPI on STM32H750 to interface with Macronix MX25L12833F Flash.  We are using the flash to support a large firmware image (with XIP). We are attempting to take this hardware and drop in STM32H733.  Doing this...

SMoon.2 by Associate III
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Timer output influenced by other timer

Hi everybody,I have TIM15, configured to PWM generation, in one shot configuration, using OC1N output. The output is set to 0 and timer disabled.. When I later initialize TIM1, the output of TIM15 goes high at the instant the Update event is generate...

CEC TV emulate with STM32, how id setup?

We for testing CEC client device require emulate master. In normal device code we set hcec.Init.OwnAddress = CEC_OWN_ADDRESS_x but for TV master how is right choice?  hcec.Init.OwnAddress = CEC_OWN_ADDRESS_NONE; or hcec.Init.OwnAddress = CEC_OWN_ADDR...

MM..1 by Chief III
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External Loader - stldr ERROR PARSING FAIL

Hello,I am attempting to make an external loader for a QuadSPI flash S25FL256SAGMFI000 using the STM32F769 and STM32CubeIDE.I followed this tutorial: was able to run the code t...

JOHNROSE by Associate II
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how to configure HSI in STM32L5...

Hello,I would like to know if it's possible to configure my evaluation board HSI, I have this code and I would like to adapt it on my evaluation card and see if it is compatible with the rest :  // HSI // void SystemClock_Config(void) { RCC_...

DYann.1 by Senior II
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