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X-Cube-Usb-Audio user config header 24bit dont work. Where is fail?

Chief II
/* define synchronization method */
/* definition of channel count and  space mapping of channels */
/* ! Please dont change channel count , other value than 0x02 aren't supported  @TODO add support of multichannel*/
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_CHANNEL_COUNT          0x02 /* stereo audio  */
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_CHANNEL_MAP            0x03 /* channels Left and right */
/* next two values define the supported resolution  currently expansion supports only 16 bit and 24 bits resolutions @TODO add other resolution support*/
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_RES_BIT                16 /* 24 bit per sample */
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_RES_BYTE               2 /* 3 bytes */
/* definition of the list of frequencies */
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_USE_FREQ_192_K          1 /* to set by user:  1 : to use , 0 to not support*/
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_USE_FREQ_96_K           1 /* to set by user:  1 : to use , 0 to not support*/
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_USE_FREQ_48_K           1 /* to set by user:  1 : to use , 0 to not support*/
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_USE_FREQ_44_1_K         1 /* to set by user:  1 : to use , 0 to not support*/
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_USE_FREQ_32_K           0 /* to set by user:  1 : to use , 0 to not support*/
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_USE_FREQ_16_K           0 /* to set by user:  1 : to use , 0 to not support*/
#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_USE_FREQ_8_K            0 /* to set by user:  1 : to use , 0 to not support*/
#define  USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 10)   

work ok, but when change to 24 bit not.

#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_RES_BIT        24 /* 24 bit per sample */

#define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_RES_BYTE        3 /* 3 bytes */

 #define USB_AUDIO_CONFIG_PLAY_USE_FREQ_192_K 0 /* to set by user: 1 : to use , 0 to not support*/

 Windows detect it, but cant test, play or show settings.