2024-07-26 6:18 AM
I'm working with USB_PD through a nucleo sink and a G474ER and want am receiving the ACK/Good CRC messages that are started from the laptop side (DIscover identit, discover SVID, Discover Mod, Enter Mode, dp status, dp config), but am unable to get the sendAttention VDM function to send the attention message to the laptop so that it can return the Good CRC to recognize that a hotplug device is connected. Anyone have any tips?
I have used this (https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeG4/tree/master/Projects/STM32G474E-EVAL) as a basis, but even following the same methods I am unable to get the send attention to actually send a message even though while debugging the sendAttention function gets hit.
2024-09-13 2:36 AM
Would you please attach a trace and check whether sequence as described in user manual UM2552 Figure 49. VDM attention request is performed?
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