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Extracting an existing hex to edit in CubeIDE




Right now I am working on a Riverdi display, actually the RVT101HVSNWC00-B.

I was able to connect with their external loader and to save the firmware in Bin and Hex formats. I wanted to review the firmware, as loaded, in CubeIDE. 

How would I do that without having to go through the trouble of setting up the board/ peripherals and pins? I want to review and edit what is on the board. Most of what I would need to set the peripherals and pins is in the code.

I have read through all sorts of documentation and there is no direct path that I have been able to find. Any assistance would be appreciated.

I can't seem to add the hex file because of the following...

(application/octet-stream) does not match its file extension




You have a very naive understanding of how any of this works.

The source is lost in the compilation process, it is reduced to the object / machine code native to the machine.

Your options here are to disassemble the object code, perhaps decompile, to get something of a semblance of what you started with. Perhaps you can rebuild this, or patch sections of it to change the behaviour subtly.

You'd have to find the subroutines and structures to modify the pin usage.

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