STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32U545 Nucleo Fails to Initialize SDMMC

Hello, I am attempting to use an STM32U545 nucleo board with an external SD card shield from Adafruit, each time I attempt to initialize the SDMMC peripheral, the call to HAL_SD_Init fails with a DTIMEOUT e...

aroby95 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H743 USB code generation problem

I'm using an embedded hardware design based on the NUCLEO-H743ZI. Within the SMT32CubeIDE I configured all of the pins and set up the clock according to my PCB, I'm using an external LSE 32.768Khz and no external HSE. The PCB is set up to utilize VBU...

Erric by Associate
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Resolved! lwip cgi help

Can anyone help me please?I'm using LWIP and CGI SSI and http webserver. I've written an html form on my webserver that when submitted sends 16 parameters (each of 32 byte length) as a get. This crashes my webpage and the code never reaches the cgi h...

###### by Senior
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STM32F429IET6 Ethernet SW Reset Timeout

I have a custom designed board using a STM32F429IET6 and LAN8742A.While attempting to bring-up ethernet and LWIP (fails w/o LWIP at the same spot) the code continuously fails in stm32f4xx_hal_eth.c in `HAL_ETH_Init` while waiting for the SW reset to ...

CLake.2 by Associate II
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