STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Using LTDC in L8 input mode

My goal is to display text on the TFT LCD using stm32F756. The display I have is just the screen, no controller or gram. So I have configured the LTDC and was able to display a sample image which I stored in the flash. Now, the internal SRAM is not s...

STM32U585 USBPD Not Working

I am currently using the STM32U585 MCU on a custom board and am trying to get the MCU to function as a DRP device in the USB-C PD protocol. Although currently I am just trying to get the device to work as a SNK (with DRP capability enabled). The proj...

cd3361 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 LPTIM compare mode

Hi, I use STM32CubeMX 6.10.0 and I have a STM32H7 CPU.The LPTIM is a frequency counter that can give an ISR when thecounter reached a specified value; after reaching this value it startsagain from zero (ARR mode), or it continues towards the max valu...


I am a beginner in using stm32f439zit6 eval board. I can ping the board by setting a static IP through host (my laptop). I don't have any idea about how to write a code to transmit data from host to board. Can anyone guide me to do this? 

arun27 by Associate II
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STM32F4 Ethernet - DHCP

Hi, I am trying to implement basic DHCP Protocol using STM32F439ZIT6. But I am unable to get the IP being assigned by the DHCP Server. There are no errors in the code, but I am not getting the IP. Don't know why it is giving DHCP Timeout. I am attach...