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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F411C minimal wiring?

Hi,I'm currently moving a project from STM32F446 to an STM32F411CEU and stumble upon some strange things in the wiring which is not known from the F446.So from the manual it is not clear to me how to deal with the VCAP_1 and PA0-WKUP inputs.So my que...

BSchm.6 by Associate III
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hello my name is abderraouf Azaizia and am working on a project with altium using the STMF429ZIT6 and im wondering if is it possible that you send me the schematic and PCB librairies so i can start create my PCB using the correct footprints

i searched in different sites (digikey , mouser...) to find the footprints and schematics that you have used but i dont find the exact ones , if you can help me it would be awesome ,i am actually working on a luxmeter prototype and am using the ST32F...

AAzai.2 by Associate
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Change OSC_IN pin with OSC32_IN ?

I am using STM32F030C8T6TR. An external 8 mhz oscillator was connected to the OSC_32_IN-OUT input by mistake, not to the OSC_IN-OUT pins on the board I have. Hardware cannot be changed. Can I reconfigure the pin with software or How can I use it? I a...

hazall by Associate III
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