Resolved! STM32F429I-DISC1 BSP Question
im looking in the bsp folder for the stm32f429i-disc in the stm32cube_fw_f4 folder and i see a file stm32f429i-discovery_eeprom.c why is this here as i dont believe there is a eeprom on this board
im looking in the bsp folder for the stm32f429i-disc in the stm32cube_fw_f4 folder and i see a file stm32f429i-discovery_eeprom.c why is this here as i dont believe there is a eeprom on this board
Hi all,I would like to keep RTC value (and keep the RTC working) during power off of the disco board, so I am planning to cut SB16 (soft bridge) from+3.3V and solder an external CR2032 +V battery to the board. My first questions are:How will I know t...
Does anyone have info or know how to determine the part #'s or specifications for lcd's used on STM32F746G-DISCO and STM324291-Eval1 boards?
Hello,Maybe you can help me, I am not able to start debug session with STLINK-V3MINIE.Context is: Windows 10 64bit, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400STMCubeIDE V1.17.0 Tried with 2 different STLINK-V3MINIEthe STLINK-V3MINIE is seen and updated correctly to V...
Hi all,I am using the Nucleo-H723ZG board and I'm testing the consumption in stop mode, running the example from the ST repository NUCLEO-H723ZG\Example_LL\PWR\PWR_EnterStopMode.The code compiles without any warning and I use the stlink of the nucleo...
I have two NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q boards and I’m trying to run the SPI_FullDuplex_ComIT example on both.One board breaks here (whether the software is built for master or slave):The other board has no problem (whether the software is built for master or sla...
If you generate the CAD output using STM32CubeMX (or download it from the ST website), the pins are completely different than the datasheet.For example, in the datasheet, for the VFBGA178 (STM32N657I0), OSC32_IN (aka PC14) is shown as pin B1 whereas ...
STM32L412KBUx on NUCLEO-L412KB, STM32CubeIDE, Version: 1.8.0.I'm trying to power my NUCLEO-L412KB from an external +5 V power source. I have removed SB9 (connected NRST signal of ST-LINK to the NRST pin of theSTM32). SB1 (USB power through CN1) is OF...
I am trying to capture an ADC conversion value for ADC1 channel 1 using the PA1 pin as per the STM32F429 Datasheet and have come across a couple of issues. My question has two parts, one for the actual conversion and one around the captured value.Que...
Hello, I compiled and loaded the official reference example for STOP PWR with no RTC STM32CubeL0/Projects/NUCLEO-L053R8/Examples/PWR/PWR_STOP at master · STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeL0 into the NUCLEO-L053R8 board.I am unable to match the maximum con...