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Forum Posts

Resolved! Stm32H723 Stop mode high current 4mA !!

Hi all,I am using the Nucleo-H723ZG board and I'm testing the consumption in stop mode, running the example from the ST repository NUCLEO-H723ZG\Example_LL\PWR\PWR_EnterStopMode.The code compiles without any warning and I use the stlink of the nucleo...

NMast.1 by Associate II
  • 6 replies
  • 2 kudos

Powering NUCLEO-L412KB from +5 V

STM32L412KBUx on NUCLEO-L412KB, STM32CubeIDE, Version: 1.8.0.I'm trying to power my NUCLEO-L412KB from an external +5 V power source. I have removed SB9 (connected NRST signal of ST-LINK to the NRST pin of theSTM32). SB1 (USB power through CN1) is OF...

CKugl.1 by Senior II
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ADC module issues in STM32F429

I am trying to capture an ADC conversion value for ADC1 channel 1 using the PA1 pin as per the STM32F429 Datasheet and have come across a couple of issues. My question has two parts, one for the actual conversion and one around the captured value.Que...