An expensive device is being repaired, in one of the voltage generation circuits there is an element ST E CUG C511 having a SMB case. On the diagram, it is denoted by the abbreviation CR, which is denoted elsewhere by the Zener dione. The device was ...
We are working on satellite tracker . which is using STM32F4 and STV0910 as a tuner board. I see in some on the SATV0910drivers source code , that chip has TS PID filter in it (RSTV0910_P2_TSPIDFLT0 [0xf347] / RSTV0910_P2_TSPIDFLT1 [0xf346] ) , w...
helloabout 2 years ago, we used BLUENRG-GCSP.recently, we need to know about BLUENRG-GCSP bluetooth BLUENRG-GCSP bluetooth4.0 or 4.2? regards