2025-01-21 3:50 AM
Hi all!
I've recently started working on a fault classification model utilizing the proteus1 board and the NEAI studio suite. I'd ideally like to set up a serial datalogger via the onboard micro USB to both obtain and display readings, alongside benchmarking models. Connecting the proteus with the datalogger flashed via FUOTA (As I don't have a STLINK V3MINIE on hand) leads to it not being recognized when trying to select a COM port to obtain readings. I'd be grateful if anyone would be kind enough to tell me if I'm missing anything, or if there are specific COM drivers for this.
Thanks in advance
2025-01-29 1:32 AM
Hi @Haze ,
Did you install the STSW-PROTEUS1 v1.1.1. via FUOTA? If yes, then you need to power off the board before using it.
In addition, I suggest using the BLE stack version 1.20.0 from Github project STM32CubeWB.
2025-02-09 8:52 PM
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, STSW-PROTEUS1 V1.1.1 was installed via FUOTA, and the board was powered off and reset each time the firmware was flashed, and I have updated the BLE stack as advised as well. I've tried most firmware, including the datalogger auto generated by NEAI studio. If I use the datalogger, the COM port is not broadcasted while connected to USB, despite generating it in Continuous mode, which should send data over CDC USB. When FP-SNS-DATAPRO is flashed to the board, I am able to extract the .dat either while in MSD mode or using it as a WCID, but trying to convert the .dat to .csv using the pre-existing example .bat files in the utilities folder triggers a memory error (despite having sufficient memory) on python 3.12. I know that the connection to the board via USB isnt the issue since using FP-AI-PDMWBSOC allows me to access the outputs of the stubbed NEAI model via tera term. I'd be grateful for any help with generating the required data and training the model you can provide
Thanks in advance