Resolved! AlgoBuilder: Load design failed
Hello,When I try to open a saved design I receive message "Load Design Failed!".It was previously updated with AlgoBuilder v find xml fileThank you for your help!Best regards,Jean
Hello,When I try to open a saved design I receive message "Load Design Failed!".It was previously updated with AlgoBuilder v find xml fileThank you for your help!Best regards,Jean
Hello,I am using the Vl6180 in continuous mode. The gpio1 was configured as a rising edge. An interrupt is triggered when a new sample is ready.I'm trying to use the gpio1 for singleshot mode. Unfortunately so far without success.Who has experience w...
Hi, we have designed a custom PCB with the LSM9DS1 as IMU, we are receiving data from the accel, mag, and gyro, in the case of the accel I think is easier to know if the measure is ok (we must get 1G in the z-axis), but how could we validate if the d...
Hi,I have one LSM6DSO32 with an Atmel SAMD21 Cortex M0. I use i2c to comunicate with the sensor. I use Arduino ide and Arduino librarys Wire for i2C communication. I've read the datasheet first of all I set some registers of my sensor I set gyro to 5...
Hey, I want to read acc+gyro from lsm6dso, and i'm using the read_data_pooling from examples. i'm using a 100hz timer to get the data from the sensor. Now i want a 10hz timer retreive the pedometer step counter. is it possible? how to configure both ...
Hi,I'm developing a wearable smart device with nrf52832 and LIS3DH. In order to shutdown the MCU when the device is not worn I want to use the motion detection feature of the LIS3DH with an interrupt, so if the sensor doesn't fire an interrupt event...
Hi,I created a small board with STM32F446MEY6TR and SPK0415HM4H-B MEMS microphone. I can read the data from the mic via I2S interface in a chinks of 100*16 samples. Now I want to filter the data with the PDM_FIlter function, but I'm not sure how to p...
HelloI know that tilebox has a RTC module, so I realise it is psoible to get current time for generating timestamp for data. Is it posible to do it? Is there any implementation of that in given project examples? Thank you
Hi,I am using STM32WB55RG as the MCU and LSM6DSO32 as the ACCELEROMETER in my project. In order to get my project CE certified, I require the Certificate Of Conformity for the both components.Hope you guide me to the right path.Thank You and Warm Reg...
Hi, I'm testing with the LIS3DHTR and I notice that the Z axis is noisier than the others axis. It doesn't matter the position of the accelerometer, always the Z axis is noisier. Why does happen?