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Resolved! Problems with AFS tool on MEMS Studio -- bad data?

Tools/Software/ PRO with DATALOG2_Release firmwareSTBLE Sensor app (to trigger data collection)hsdatalog_to_unico.pyMEMS Studio v1.4.1Ubuntu Linux 24.04I watched a handful of webinars and read through tutorials related to the LSM6DS...

Screenshot from 2024-12-03 12-51-46.png Screenshot from 2024-12-03 13-38-06.png
rbmarcus by Associate II
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Resolved! Temperature characteristics of IIS2DLPC

I am making a simple inclinometer using IIS2DLPC. The 'Zero-g offset change vs. temperature' of IIS2DLPC is specified as a maximum of ±1mg/℃, but some of the boards I made have reached 2.93mg/℃.Some have relatively good values ​​of 0.3-0.4mg/℃, while...

H3LIS331DL XYZ read out data abnormal

Hello ST Friends,Here we are using H3LIS331DL in our product, using SPI interface. Below is the schematic. and related code is below.    /* Check device ID */ static uint8_t whoamI, tData; whoamI = 0; h3lis331dl_device_id_get(&dev_ctx_xl, &w...

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lyan.2 by Associate
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Hi Team,  We are working with the LSM6DSOX sensor and integrating it with two different MCUs: nRF5340 and ATSAMD51, using the I2C communication protocol. We have been able to successfully read the device ID, accelerometer data, and gyroscope data. Ad...

Resolved! inertial module daisy chain via SPI

helloI need to interface about 20 small package inertial sensor via SPI and my MCU doesn't have enough GPIO for the chip selects so I'm looking for a module that can be daisy chained via SPI however I didn't find anything in the datasheets that indic...

Eddess by Associate
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What does SensorHub actually DO?

We're using the LSM6DSV16X iNemo sensor and we're quite confused with the SensorHub feature (described in AN5763).Does this feature only store the external sensor data in the FIFO so that the main mcu doesn't have to read the other sensors directly? ...

MEMS audio sensor MP23DB01HP Values/Units

I have a question about the MEMS audio sensor MP23DB01HP. I think i already undertood that the output is a PDM, but my question is, how can I convert that to obtain a corresponding value in dB? Or some used unit? I have done the acquisitons, but know...

Resolved! LSM6DS3TR SEE framework drivers

Hello, We would like to integrate LSM6DS3TR sensor.For that to happed we need SEE (Secure Execution Environment) framework drivers for Qualcomm based processors. Could you please supply drivers for that? It is urgent. Thank you.Best regards,Miha

MApli.1 by Associate II
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