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Resolved! spc56x series bootloader

Does the SPC560 can program in appilication (IAP) ?How CAN I do to implement the user bootloader? Is there any document about it? and the Chip has the BAM, is it means that ,I can user the factory bootloader to update the program via usart or FlexCan...

XDB.1 by Associate
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SPC5 Uart initialization problem

Hello I have SPC582B54 and I want to use an UART interface. The problem is that it can't enter the initialization mode. The INIT bit in CR1 is set but the registers (f.e. baud rate registers) could not be written. It does not matter if this bit bit ...

Rmilko by Associate
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Hi ST Team, I want to load flash the SPC5 code via UART .So that I try to sue SPC5Flasher tool from following link https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/spc5-flasher.html . I try to install it ask for serial number .

I requested serial number  but i am not able get serial no where can i get serial number.My requirement :- I want to flash bootloader and app code to SPC584B70E3CD00X MCU via UART.If any one have idea pls help me to solve.Thanks advanceRavi.S

Ravi S by Associate II
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Resolved! Read UART Data on interrupt in SPC5 controller.

how to use UARTto receive data on interrupt instead of using this api (sd_lld_read) as this works in blocking mode in while loop.Micro is SPC560P50L3.Is there is an example to use the Uart Rx on interrupt.As we use this method in Stm32.

VKuma.18 by Associate
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Resolved! Not able to send the data without delay in UART interfacing. I am using 3 UART channel at a time. I want to know how can I remove the delay .

I am working with 560B54L5 discovery board. I am using runtime IO component with uart test application. I am able to send data at one channel at a time(one channel).my issues arehow to receive the data using interrupt in case of runtime IO?How can I ...

rpoon by Associate II
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Resolved! UART access on SPC570S-DISP board

Posted on November 30, 2017 at 02:49Hi,I need to use UART to send data from the SPC570S-DISP to a different board, looking at the UM2025 User Manual for the SPC570S-DISP: Discovery + Evaluation Board, section 2.9 LINFlex and UART, it says the LINFle...

Job Shen by Associate III
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Two SPC5EL60 communicating via UART

Posted on May 03, 2016 at 17:51Good morning to everyone.I am trying to have two mocro (SPCEL60 family) tha exchange some bytes. The micros are connected via UART. I am using the serial driver in cluded in SPC5 Studio.Now I am tryong to use chnWrite ...