2025-02-04 8:47 PM
I am working on integrating the NanoEdge library into my STM32 Project using Keil IDE V5, I have been provided with the .a fie for NanoEdge library, but i am not entirely sure how to propoerly link it to my project.
could anyone provide a step by step guide on how to :
1)Add the .a file to my keil project ?
2)Ensure that its correctly linked to the projct?
3)Any additional configuration I might need to make to use the Library?
I would really appreciate any help!
Thanks in Advance!
Abhishek Patil.
2025-02-05 1:44 AM
Hello @ACP ,
1- Add libneai.a, NanoEdgeAI.h and knowledge.h (not the last one if you have an Anomaly Detection library) to your KeilIDE project.
2- Right click on libneai.a, click "Options for File 'libneai.a'", edit the File Type to Library file. Click OK.
You should now be able to build your project embedding your NanoEdgeAI library.
In case of NEAI_COMPILER_ERROR flag raised during NanoEdgeAI functions execution, please refer to this post: https://community.st.com/t5/edge-ai/neai-compiler-error-with-nanoedge-ai-studio-4-6-0-on-stm32h7/m-p/749739
Solved: I am encountering an issue when deploying a classification model generated with NanoEdge AI Studio 4.6.0 to my STM32H7 development board.
Have a good day,